
Showing posts from 2017


What if.... ... One day the person that rely on you and you rely on them, they look for other person if they have a problem. ... You are not the only one that know what they feel. ... They trust another person more than you. ... They will just inform you after they get through all the burden with anyone else. ... One day you are not the only one they share their secrets. ... One day they feel comfortable without you It is somehow I feel like I am not their priorities even I know I will be the one that special and meaningful to them. But this kind of feeling makes me feel awful like I am being useless coz I can't help them and be with them when they had their problems.



My interview experience for medical course USM

Hey ya , Assalamualaikum As you know , aku dapat interview kat USM. For those yang kenal aku mesty dia orang tahu la interview aku cam mane ? Here I want to tell you about interview at USM . My interview held on 10 June 2017. Below is my interview offer ⇩ Okay ceritanya begini... Seperti  yang tertera interview tu start kul 7.30 pagi.  Mase aku smpai kat lobi USM mmg on time je 7.30 pagi.  Pastu cari kaunter pendaftaran dan tadaaaa ramai betul orang nasib la dia pecah pada dua bahagian kalau Fuhh lama la beratur dahla tengah puasa. Dah daftar tu tunggu jap kat tapak menunggu untuk dipanggil. Yang datang awal jadi kumpulan pertama yang pegi interview.  Well aku dalam kumpulan yang kedua sbb datang lambat hehe.. Tengok tu ramai Kann... Nasib tak lama Okay turn kumpulan aku kena panggil.  Kami dibawa ke satu bilik untuk briefing pasal MMI iaitu Mini Mutiple Interview dan kami diberi name tag secara rawak untuk perbahagian litar dan no Stesen untuk mu...